Marketing For Small Business Owners
Develop a Marketing Strategy, elevate your brand, attract more customers, and drive sales growth.
Learn tactics to crafting compelling content, optimize your campaigns, create a strategy with action items, understand your audience to improve sales.
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Identifying Your Ideal Customer
Creating Customer Personas
Market Research Template and Guide
Mindset Marketing
Setting Marketing Goals
Setting Marketing Goals Activity
Choosing the Right Marketing Channels
Examples of Proper Marketing Channels
Developing a Marketing Strategy Plan
Social Media
Creating Engaging Content
Leveraging Social Media Platforms
Activity: Leveraging Reddit, Quora and Medium
The Use of AI
AI Guide
How to Use Influencers in Social Media Marketing
Building an Email List
Implementing Email Marketing Campaigns
Example Email Campaign
Email Marketing Platforms - How To
Key Performance Indicators
Analyzing Marketing Data
KPI Activity Template
Included within this course are templates, surveys, questionnaires, and examples to take with you!
Step-by-step market research guide. This document provides a comprehensive template to guide you through the process, from defining your objectives to developing customer personas and validating your findings.
Use our template to develop your market strategy plan. This will help you set up action items to delegate or begin executing for success.
Learn to market effectively not only efficiently.